
Three Failed Attempts to Elucidate on Axel Malik
Dr. Claire-Nioche Sibony, Catalog ICI-Berlin 2016: PDF, 2 pages

The Discovery of the Act of Writing before the Writing Itself
Dr. Rolf Lauter, Catalog 2003: PDF, 2 pages

In No-Man’s Land, Somewhere between Writing and Painting
Dr. Burkhard Brunn, Catalog 2003: PDF, 10 pages

Installation SWR Freiburg, 2004
Interview with Axel Malik: PDF, 5 pages

Mercury’s own script – Axel Malik’s installations in context
Jochen Bepler, Catalog 2004 : PDF, 6 pages

On The Charisma Of Ciphers
Question & Answer, 2011: PDF, 3 pages